The Tough Mudder

Although it is not a board sport it is a pretty cool competition and a great way to build your strength and endurance so you are ready to ride!
I am signed up for the Tough Mudder this weekend at Bear Creek. I am doing it with a couple of the guys that help me out at and a few other buddies. As I tell people that I am doing this and what it involves many people look at me a bit funny. You will have to check out the course map yourself, but for a summary it is a 10 mile course on a ski mountain (up and down many times!) with 15 obstacles. To me it is a great way to have fun training and a little competition is always a good thing!
I will say there is this one obstacle that to me seems a bit ridiculous. It is called Electroshock Therapy! A maze of wires carrying 10,000 volts that you have to walk through....a bit crazy for me.

I think I will make it and it should be a good time. They have these competitions all over the US so check it out and sign up for the one nearest you if you think you are tough enough!

Anybody have any advice for me before Saturday???
Until next time...