Fortunately, there are a wide variety of paddleboard racks and storage options available on StoreYourBoard that will let you easily and safely store your SUP. Below is a breakdown of the different types of wall racks we carry. Check out other breakdowns of our (1) SUP ceiling racks, (2) freestanding SUP racks, (3) SUP car racks and (4) SUP transport - SUP wheels.
SUP wall racks come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and construction materials. What type of paddleboard rack you choose will be up to your needs and wants:
- Single board and multi-board options (up to three paddleboards per rack).
- Plastic to wood to stainless steel construction materials.
- SUP wall racks with attached paddle holders.
- Some of wall racks are oriented more towards display and showing off your board while some other racks are more utilitarian in trying to be as space efficient as possible.
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