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Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Must-See Ski Videos | Ski Videos to Get You Amped

Ski videos these days are a dime, a dozen--especially with everyone and their mom strapping GoPros to their helmets. From mediocre “edits,”--as they’re often called--to ski bloopers, to drawn-out cuts of someone skiing the same “sick” bowl again and again, there’s a lot of ho-hum clips to sift through.

Today, however, we’ve got three very unique and creative ski videos unlike any you’ve seen before. They will make you laugh, make you shiver, and make you swoon. They’ll also probably make you want to go get your skis off your ski rack and head straight to the mountains.

1. The Naked Ski Video
If you’ve ever been cold while skiing, this video will put even your chilliest of skiing experiences into serious perspective. Somehow, Valhalla coaxed a ton of skiers to ride in the buff. And we’re not talking a single groomer run on the last day of the year on a beautiful spring day. We’re talking, sitting on the lift in the buff, skinning up in the buff, powder face shots in the buff, and much more on what appear to be rather frigid, snowy days.

2. It’s Called Backcountry Skiing!
Meet power skiing couple Elyse Saugstad and Cody Townsend. Elyse is an American freeskiing champion, Cody is a pro known for his big mountain lines. Together, they recently collaborated to make an awesome “intro” video to backcountry skiing.

3. One of Those Days 2 - Candide Thovex
Ok, this third video may not be as funny, but it's awesome, so I had to share it with you. For the second time (here's the first), Candide Thovex takes you through just another one of his days skiing, through a GoPro perspective. You'll have to check it out, but his ski days and mine are quite a bit different!